Google AMP Website Development

The Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) is an effort by Google to offer an accessible framework for creating fast loading mobile web pages. AMP enables publishers to easily improve the loading speed of their pages on a mobile without compromising on the ad revenues. Apart from this you also have the AMP Ad landing pages (ALP) which are designed to speed up the experience of a user who clicks on an AMP ad.

The main goal of the Accelerated Mobile Pages is to see that effective ad monetization on the mobile web takes place while it follows a user-centric approach. Not just this but it also has the objective to provide support for a comprehensive range of ad formats, ad networks, and technologies in AMP. Companies like Google, Twitter, Facebook and many others are backing initiatives such as AMP.

The biggest goal for any web or mobile developer is to create highly responsible and fast to load sites and pages without losing out on readership. At Bluesummit we help to deliver the most flawlessly developed Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) that help web publishers load their content almost instantly. Being the best Google AMP development company in India, we are adept at not only delivering efficiently coded and developed web pages but also create solutions that are highly adaptive and scalable across devices.

Services Offerings
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open source initiative that helps businesses create content that is accessible irrespective of OS or form factor. Regardless of your industry vertical or number of websites you own, our expert AMP developers provide simple but powerful Google AMP services or Google mobile first indexing compatibility to ensure maximum return-on-investment. We make sure that your requirements are tailored properly and excellent service is delivered in the first place. Moreover, we provide a reliable and fast support, 100% satisfaction and money back guarantee.
Here are some of the most obvious advantages of having an Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) developed by Bluesummit:

  • Reduced load time: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are specifically developed to reduce the load time of content on mobile for a fraction of the usual time. End users report higher satisfaction and preference for sites that show content instantly.
  • No Custom Solutions: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are accessible across devices irrespective of OS or form factor. Making them the ideal choice for web pages that are viewed on mobile or tablet.
  • Enhanced SEO: Since there is no need to customize content for each individual OS, search engines can easily discover your web page. Increased mobile friendliness and faster load times naturally enhance SEO rankings as well.
  • AMP Stamps on Search Engines: Sites which are Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) powered are clearly marked on search results making them more likely to be selected by users than ordinary websites.
  • Advertisements and Analytics: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) allows for publishers to post ads without interrupting content load time or interfering with the user experience. This results in higher ROI without losing out on readership, thus keeping publishers and advertisers happy.
  • Low Bounce Rate: Improved mobile compatibility and reduced loading time lower the bounce rate of your website effectively.
Bluesummit has the experience of setting up AMP pages for your news website, as well as other categories of websites. AMP pages give you a higher chance of showing up in the Google News carousel, make your mobile pages super fast and may give you a special Google ranking boost in the future. We have deployed AMP pages on both custom CMS (content management systems) and packaged CMS systems like WordPress.

Skills and matrix
Bluesummit is an award winning web and mobility solutions provider with one of the best UX Design Studios in India. We are the leaders in developing the best Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for companies across the world. We understand the need for companies to almost instantaneously capture their viewership and help develop the right solutions to meet this exact goal.
  • We help companies develop rapidly deployable mobility solutions that are detail-rich and visually immersive.
  • We have an expert team of website designers and developers who are specialized in their field and have the required knowledge and proficiency to apply AMP for your website
  • We create web pages as per the AMP specification
  • We host your AMP at a URL associated with your main page
  • We know very well how to make your AMP discoverable
  • We also validate whether your page is written in suitable AMP or not
  • We mark your content with structured data
  • In order to check your status, we mentor your AMP report on Search Console for errors


Why Choose Bluesummit

  • Technology Excellence across platforms
  • Business ideas into commercial applications
  • Domain Intensive Value Proposition
  • Significant Cost Reduction with ODC model
  • Get 2-4 weeks Risk-Free Trial before kick-start
  • Pool of expertise in Agile Teams to choose
  • Flexible work hours based on need
  • Commitment to excellence, Reliable

Key Points

  • Competitive cost Proposition
  • Wider platform coverage
  • Business application & interface development
  • Highly trained resources
  • Commitment to Quality
  • Agile methodologies & practices
  • Deep domain & functional expertise
  • Happy international clients

Skill Set

  • Software programming and testing
  • Cross-platform development skills
  • Multiple OS, tools, technology skills
  • Web, mobile & business applications
  • Automated testing across industry verticals
  • Optimized, high-productivity porting
  • Effective communication
  • International Project Management skills

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