Android App Development

Expert android application programmers and developers along with quality assurance engineers at Bluesummit, the Android Application Development Company, build and test applications that smoothly operate across the massive landscape of Android devices and environments, delivering exhilarating end-user experience.

Bluesummit provides professional Android Apps Development Services to global clients at cost-effective prices. Our Android application developers and programmers are proficient in Java programming, Android SDK and Framework APIs for developing plush Android Applications pertaining to Business, Communication, Media, Shopping, Utility and Productivity, Personal Applications, Widgets, etc.

To ensure that the apps that we develop are in complete accordance with client specifications, and within the stipulated timeframe, we meticulously study your target audience and the core purpose of your Android Applications. We also employ the latest technology and tools for your Android Application Development.


Android Business App Development
Bluesummit is the right choice to make your Android Business Apps a success and offer the best Android effect in the corporate environment. We all know that enterprise mobility is the new mantra for the businesses.

Android Productivity App Development
The productivity and versatility features of the Android phones are always loved by its users, making it irresistible. Bluesummit helps you make your productivity application materialize in minimums possible duration.

Android Social App Development
Bluesummit will help you to get abundant conversations around your business using social-friendly Android applications. We also enrich your Android app with engaging social experiences.

Android mCommerce App Development:
Mobile commerce is actually on boom! People often use their mobile phones to check for the latest products and best deals in the market. With Bluesummit mCommerce Android Development Services, turn your eCommerce store into an mCommerce application.


  • Dynamic and vibrant look & feel
  • User-centric navigation and control mechanism
  • Minimal loading time
  • Best Android apps development practices employed
  • Scalable and completely adaptable
  • Conceptually developed with strong coding logic
  • Tested for quality
  • Quick and easy integration with third party tools


Android is the greatest platform for mobile devices which has capability to run millions of mobile phones in about more than 200 countries. It not only provides a great support for people around world to use hundreds of games and apps in their phones but also provides a huge open marketplace to developers for Android App Development. Android provides one piece and distinctive framework which allows all Android developers to deploy their apps and developing them in order to make them available on many smartphones, tablet users.

In today’s rapid development world, almost all programming languages have frameworks to help the developers. With instant growth of mobile devices a lot of frameworks are also increased whether it be for Android, Windows or iOS.
At Bluesummit ,we are comfortable with the following frameworks.

1) Corona SDK
Corona is designed to enable super-fast development. Their elegant APIs make adding complex features easy, also their workflow lets you see changes instantly, and you develop in Lua, a fast and easy-to-learn language. It all adds up to unmatched development and iteration speed. This framework is widely used by game developers, it is also general purpose and most popular framework. Corona Labs have more than 1 million of developers which provides over 500 APIs, native UI support, built in engine, and advertising platform for developers.

2) Phonegap
Built for HTML5, CSS and JavaScript Development. This popular framework is currently being sponsored by Adobe. Its 6.0 version also provides Windows phone support, new libraries and CLI functions. It has also added Cordova WebView for work like putting your Phonegap code in bigger apps.

3) Xamarin
You can completely write your code in C# and deploy it in Android for developing apps and games with this framework. It also works for iOS and Windows. Testing of your app is also allowed on cloud with timely monitoring of your app.

4) Sencha Touch 2
Sencha Space is the ideal platform to deploy and manage secure business applications that run across multiple devices. This popular JavaScript and HTML5 framework offers integrated MVC system, 50 inbuilt components, and management of work. You can now get free native package to publish your app directly to Google Play.

At Bluesummit we are using the following tools.

  • Editors and IDEs
  • Language Resources
  • Libraries
  • Plugins


Why Choose Bluesummit

  • Technology Excellence across platforms
  • Business ideas into commercial applications
  • Domain Intensive Value Proposition
  • Significant Cost Reduction with ODC model
  • Get 2-4 weeks Risk-Free Trial before kick-start
  • Pool of expertise in Agile Teams to choose
  • Flexible work hours based on need
  • Commitment to excellence, Reliable

Key Points

  • Competitive cost Proposition
  • Wider platform coverage
  • Business application & interface development
  • Highly trained resources
  • Commitment to Quality
  • Agile methodologies & practices
  • Deep domain & functional expertise
  • Happy international clients

Skill Set

  • Software programming and testing
  • Cross-platform development skills
  • Multiple OS, tools, technology skills
  • Web, mobile & business applications
  • Automated testing across industry verticals
  • Optimized, high-productivity porting
  • Effective communication
  • International Project Management skills

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