Load Testing

Load testing generally refers to the practice of modeling the expected usage of a software program by simulating multiple users accessing the program concurrently. As such, this testing is most relevant for multi-user systems; often one built using a client/server model, such as web servers. Load testing is performed to determine a system behavior under both normal and at peak conditions. Load testing differs from stress testing, which evaluates the extent to which a system keeps working when subjected to extreme work loads or when some of its hardware or software has been compromised. The primary goal of load testing is to define the maximum amount of work a system can handle without significant performance degradation. The most accurate load testing simulates actual use, as opposed to testing using theoretical or analytical modeling.


Load and performance testing analyzes software intended for a multi-user audience by subjecting the software to different numbers of virtual and live users while monitoring performance measurements under these different loads. Load and performance testing is usually conducted in a test environment identical to the production environment before the software system is permitted to go live. It helps to identify the maximum operating capacity of an application as well as any bottlenecks and determine which element is causing degradation. E.g. If the number of users are increased then how much CPU, memory will be consumed, what is the network and bandwidth response time.
At Bluesummit, We have been providing custom software development and QA testing services to our happy clients.

Identify performance acceptance criteria- This is the most valuable aspect in the load testing life cycle, and therefore should be recorded and available for review and evaluation.

Response time- This refers to the time taken for one system node to respond to the request of another. It is a difficult thing for load testing tools to deal with as they generally have no concept of what happens within a node apart from recognizing a period of time.

Throughput- If a system identifies end-users by some form of log-in procedure then a concurrency goal is highly desirable. If the system has no concept of end-users then performance goal is likely to be based on a maximum throughput or transaction rate.

Maximum user load- The objective here is to determine the maximum users that can access the application at a specific hardware configuration.

Internet speed and Peak usage time- Website performance over various connection speed e.g. modem, lease-line etc.

Create a workload model- This will determine the characteristics of the key scenarios based on our key user group.


With our expert team of Load and Performance testers, we help to ensure that streamlined efforts are also being aligned towards this very important aspect of development. We can give you a fast, cost-effective insight into how your web applications will cope with higher traffic.


Apache JMeter- Java desktop application for load testing and performance measurement.

BlazeMeter- BlazeMeter is a JMeter compatible, self-service, load testing platform for websites, web apps, mobile and databases, supporting any user scenario. Scalable load up to 200,000 concurrent simulated browser users from across eight geographical locations. Can also be used for integration and functional testing.

Blitz- Blitz is a service for load and performance testing of websites, mobile, web apps and REST APIs in the cloud. It allows to simulate up to 50,000 simultaneous virtual users from different worldwide locations.

CloudTest- Cloud-based load and performance testing for mobile and web applications. Free and licensed versions available.

Gatling- JVM application with scenarios as code and portable HTML reports. Loader.io- Cloud based load testing service for developers to test performance and scalability with their web applications and APIs.

LoadRunner- Performance testing tool primarily used for executing large numbers of tests (or a large number of virtual users) concurrently. Can be used for unit and integration testing as well. Free and Licensed versions available.

Load Test (included with SOAtest)- Performance testing tool that verifies functionality and performance under load. Supports SOAtest tests, JUnits, lightweight socket-based components. Detects concurrency issues.

loadUI- Cross-platform load testing tool, targeted mainly at web services. Integrates with soapUI.

Login VSI- Performance testing software for Windows based virtualized desktops by simulating user workloads. Licensed.

NeoLoad- Load testing tool for web and mobile applications. Load can be generated from local agents or from the cloud. Licensed.

OpenSTA- Open source web load/stress testing application, licensed under the Gnu GPL. Utilizes a distributed software architecture based on CORBA. OpenSTA binaries available for Windows. Rational Performance Tester- Eclipse based large scale performance testing tool primarily used for executing large volume performance tests to measure system response time for server based applications. Licensed.

Siege- Utility to HTTP-HTTPS load test and benchmark web servers; can stress one URL or read many URLs into memory and stress them concurrently. Supports basic authentication, cookies, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols.

Silk Performer- Application performance tool with cloud and local virtual agents. Supports most protocols and applications.

Test Studio- Test Studio is a load testing tool that enables you to get a better understanding of how your website would perform if visited by a large number of users at the same time, thus helping you assess if your web apps meet business needs for availability and user satisfaction.

Visual Studio Ultimate edition- Visual Studio Ultimate edition includes a load test tool which enables a developer to execute a variety of tests (web, unit etc...) with a combination of configurations to simulate real user load.

WebLOAD- Load testing tool for web and mobile applications including Web Dashboard for performance test analysis. Used for large-scale loads which can be generated also from the cloud.


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  • Competitive cost Proposition
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  • Commitment to Quality
  • Agile methodologies & practices
  • Deep domain & functional expertise
  • Happy international clients

Skill Set

  • Software programming and testing
  • Cross-platform development skills
  • Multiple OS, tools, technology skills
  • Web, mobile & business applications
  • Automated testing across industry verticals
  • Optimized, high-productivity porting
  • Effective communication
  • International Project Management skills

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